Day 4 of Detox!!!
Workout – None…I am fighting a cold and have no work energy. As soon as I kick this I will be back!!! I am looking forward to working on building muscle.
Breakfast – Boiled egg, small piece of ham cooked in coconut oil, tiny piece of beef sausage as well. Small apple.
Lunch – Broccoli, cauliflower and carrots in a bag. Ate whole bag, seasoned with sea salt, garlic powder, red pepper, onion powder. 5 baked wing drums. Handful of pecans, approx a serving size 1/4 cup.
Dinner – 2 wing drums and 2 carrot stalks. I was not very hungry due to this cold but am trying to eat something anyway.
Per the detox…plenty of water, detox tea, green tea, herb tea.