Daily Archives: December 15, 2009

Validate Yourself

We all want to make someone proud. Our parents, spouse, partner, friends, employer, etc. But at what point do you live to make others proud while slighting your own happiness and making your self proud? I think there is a fine line between the two. I have found to live for self, not in a “selfish” manner but in a “genuine” manner makes ME proud and happy, all the other people in my life fall inline.

Consider this. Dont seek validation from others, at all. Do seek validation in your heart, mind, spiritual relationship with the higher power you believe in, your overall decision making process and being a good person. For the people in your life, validation from them is not required. The happier you are with YOU and the better YOU feel about yourself, the happier others are with YOU and what you accomplish privately and professionally is a non issue.

Living solely for others is doing yourself a disservice. VALIDATE YOURSELF!
