Daily Archives: January 21, 2010


Kimberly S Webster Silverton Mortgage Specialists, Inc.3653 Canton Road #108Marietta, GA 30066

Phone (404) 705-9494



Press Release

Contact: Kimberly S WebsterNMLS #210884 Phone: 404-705-9494 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE9 A.M. EDT, January 19, 2010

Local Mortgage Professional Gives Back

ATLANTA, GA, January 19, 2010: Kimberly S Webster just returned from three education filled days in Atlanta Georgia where she participated in an event to help raise money for charity.  The “Mortgage Revolution” is a grass roots organization made up of real estate loan originators that want to instill the highest order of ethics and transparency into their industry and in so doing, foster an environment that will tolerate only true professionalism.

More than 30 volunteers and speakers organized this movement, which was perhaps recounted best by one attendee, David Krushinsky of Phoenix, AZ who in his blog wrote, “The speakers that came to this event didn’t get paid to share their ideas.  They didn’t get free airline tickets, free dinners and a hotel room.  They were there on their own dime, just like me and every other attendee.  They were there for their dedication to the industry, promoting change.  In fact, the organizers Mark Madsen, Brian Larrabee and Mark Green actually paid to be at this event as well.  This event wasn’t about selling products and services.  This event, Mortgage Revolution, was about giving back to our industry, our referral partners and our community.  This event was developed to bring street level originators together for the purpose of education, networking, and change. All the money that was made as a result of this event is being donated to three charities.”

Kimberly S Webster said “The housing industry has been struck multiple times by lightening, it was not from one storm but multiple severe storms that contributed collectively to the housing decline, credit crunch and bubble burst. Working together to educate where needed and apply preventative measures across the spectrum, I am confident that our efforts will eventually bring not just well intentioned albeit ill conceived regulation to our business but intelligent and practical reform that actually benefits rather than burdens consumers. We must take heed of the mistakes made by all parties involved and learn from them so that we have realistic  and fair protective measures in place to avoid this from happening again.”