Daily Archives: December 27, 2010

What, a Facebook page??


28 Days to Health has a Facebook page! Yes you read this correctly, 28 Days to Health has a Facebook page!!!

I on the other hand am anti social media and am only a fan of twitter.  Yup those twitter folks got me hooked but as far as social networking goes, I feel like Regis…this computer thing is way overrated and it IS NOT going to last! LOL. With that said, I personally do NOT participate in this Facebook mumbo jumbo but 28 Days to Health does!!  Join us, Facebook us, friend us, like us, follow us…do whatever it is that you Facebook-ers do! I may be biased but I think there is some AMAZING information to be found on our page.

Day 29

Workout – I am back!  Intervals on treadclimber…45 minutes.  Lift heavy weights, ab work and incline push-ups.

Breakfast – Whey protein shake.  I feel SO HEAVY from the holidays.  I didn’t over do it per se, just been off track for a while so my body is feeling it. I am going to use this week to prep my body for next weeks detox, it starts on Jan 3rd for me and I am really looking forward to cleaning out my body for maximum performance.

Lunch – skipped and went straight to dinner! 2 baked chicken wings with a drizzle of bbq sauce, big bowl of collards with smoked turkey for seasoning.

Dinner – stayed tuned…..going to watch the Falcons play the Saints on Monday night.  The food and beverage choices will be interesting to say the least.

Diablo Magazine, an excerpt.


– Try quinoa: A super high-protein, nutty flavored seed, quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) can be substituted for just about any grain. It’s gluten-free and packed with essential amino acids, B vitamins, potassium, riboflavin, folic acid, and vitamin E.

-Switch to mineral salt: While table Continue reading Diablo Magazine, an excerpt.