Daily Archives: January 4, 2011

Day 37

Day 2 of detox!! Today was a better day…it was not as busy so I was able to be sure I made time for my meals.

Workout – Kick boxing class…high energy.  If it was not so late I would have gotten a recovery meal because of the level of intensity but its too late for more food.

Breakfast – Vegan protein shake, all the ingredients I normally use but light on the flax seeds.  flax is considered a healthy fat so while I I need this I want to go easy this month on the fat I add to my diet since it is fat that I want to lose and muscle I want to gain. I am also cutting out the walnuts in my shake for a while unless I know it will be longer in between mean and I need something more to satiate me.

Lunch – Bowl of collard greens cooked in smoked turkey.  A little of the turkey meat for protein and meat sauce from spaghetti without the noodle.  *Be careful with tomato sauce, there can be a ton of sugar in it.*

Dinner – Vegan protein shake CHOCOLATE!!!  MMMMM, yum. Tablespoon of almond butter and some cacao nibs. Very chocolate-y.  Cacao nibs is considered my fat, I added organic psyllium husk for fiber. Used 1/4 cup of coconut milk or less as well which is also a fat.  This will ensure I am not hungry through the  night. Cup of berry detox tea. Paleogreens in water.