Monthly Archives: February 2011

Day 66

Day 31/18 of Detox…today is the beginning of 3 shakes per day for 4 consecutive day.  Problem is that I am not quite ready to do this and refuse to straddle a weekend, especially Superbowl weekend!!  I will not drink any alcohol but I will allow myself one healthy solid meal on Sunday. I will begin my “day 18” on Monday.  Keep in mind that I am a mini pro at this so me moving around the days does not hurt me at all. I will have done this detox for almost 2 months if not more by the time I decide to come off so it’s ALL GOOD!

Workout – Zumba!! A little late like normal but got warmed up pretty fast!

Breakfast – Berry shake with all the fixing’s.

Lunch – Same as above, LOL

Dinner – Medium salad made with romaine, cherry tomatoes, olives and red onions. Olive oil, bragg amino, cider vinegar, salt and pepper. 4 baked Mardi Gras wing drums from Publix. Half bite if chocolate cake bite with herb tea.

28 Days Away!!!

Did you see the 28 Days to Health Cleanse article in the January 2011 issue of Diablo Magazine? Diablo Magazine became aware of all the buzz 28 Days to Health has created in the East Bay and

Continue reading 28 Days Away!!!

Day 65

Day 30/17 of Detox….

Workout – Kick boxing Class.  Great work out as usual.  And I am still sore.

Breakfast – Shake…same as the other days. I still have not made good on that promise to switch it. One day I will surprise you.

Lunch – Can of Amy’s black bean and vegetable soup.  3 baked chicken wing drums Small honey crisp apple.

Dinner – Berry shake.  2 shakes a day! 😉