Daily Archives: March 2, 2011

Day 94

Workout – Zumba…tough class today.  Full of women movin’ their hips! Also did a few reps of full body weights that is a shoulder press, squat, dead-lift and bicep curl in one move using a 12 pound body bar. Light on the weight but effective on the move!

Breakfast – I am on that chocolate raspberry! YUMMY.

Lunch – sauteed green beans and fresh garlic. Piece of honey baked ham.  I buy ham by the slice sometimes. Its the best way to get some of that famous “honey baked” ham with out buying a whole one. And an orange.

Dinner – rest of green beans from lunch, 1/2 half sweet potato and 3 baked wing drums. I think I eat chicken almost every day! At least it’s baked…wish it was free range vegetarian fed! But cant get that all the time so I pick and choose my battles.