Monthly Archives: March 2011

Berry berry good

Organic strawberries show more nutrients than conventional ones in a Washington State study. Organic strawberries win, hands down. Click. I always say eat organic as much as you can! Its very important to start to spend our money with local farmers, organic foods and produce that is also in season. You want it to be free of pesticides.

pH Levels

Did you know balancing your pH levels to an alkaline state is very important for weight loss and avoiding disease? Start getting back in balance by eating more raw leafy greens and less sugar and grains. Are you curious about testing your pH level? Pick up test strips at your local health food store or pharmacy.

Radishes are alkaline. They are especially helpful in cleansing the liver and gallbladder. Restore your body’s pH levels with alkalizing foods like dark greens, lemons, and apple cider vinegar.


from 28 Days to health Facebook page…..

Day 94

Workout – Zumba…tough class today.  Full of women movin’ their hips! Also did a few reps of full body weights that is a shoulder press, squat, dead-lift and bicep curl in one move using a 12 pound body bar. Light on the weight but effective on the move!

Breakfast – I am on that chocolate raspberry! YUMMY.

Lunch – sauteed green beans and fresh garlic. Piece of honey baked ham.  I buy ham by the slice sometimes. Its the best way to get some of that famous “honey baked” ham with out buying a whole one. And an orange.

Dinner – rest of green beans from lunch, 1/2 half sweet potato and 3 baked wing drums. I think I eat chicken almost every day! At least it’s baked…wish it was free range vegetarian fed! But cant get that all the time so I pick and choose my battles.

Day 93

Workout – Kick boxing…didn’t do too much today.  Was not really feeling it so mostly taught with out participating.

Breakfast – Chocolate protein shake.  I am finally switching it up!  LOL. Raspberry chocolate was great! Same fillers, flax, hemp and chia. Fiber, coconut milk and water.

Lunch – Bag of veggies, broccoli and carrots. 3 baked wing drums, dry coated lemon pepper.

Dinner – Almonds and a piece of honey baked ham.  A shot of alcohol for my night cap. Dinner is a little off on my late days. I do not skip meals but if I do, its best to skip dinner. I do not always adhere to this rule! A work in progress.