Day 38

Day 3 of Detox!!!! I am feeling great….have a little bit of a headache but that is to be expected. Even though I have done this a bunch I still have to get my footing. I feel very light and its only day 3.  My water and green/herb/detox tea consumption is up which is partially why I feel lighter.

Workout – Zumba!!!  High energy so I was able to have a recovery shake.

Breakfast – Protein shake, vegan flax coconut milk, 6 strawberries, a few mixed berries, water.

Lunch – 2 cups collard greens, piece of turkey meat about 3 ounces and a small apple.

Dinner – tomato meat sauce with out the noodles about 1/2 to 3/4 cup.  Ideally this should have been on a romaine lettuce making lettuce wraps or or steamed cabbage.  I have some left and this is how I will eat the rest so I am sure to have all the important foods for proper nutrients.

Good day over all…was quite busy due to my detox class in the evening so I had just a little time to eat today.

Day 37

Day 2 of detox!! Today was a better day…it was not as busy so I was able to be sure I made time for my meals.

Workout – Kick boxing class…high energy.  If it was not so late I would have gotten a recovery meal because of the level of intensity but its too late for more food.

Breakfast – Vegan protein shake, all the ingredients I normally use but light on the flax seeds.  flax is considered a healthy fat so while I I need this I want to go easy this month on the fat I add to my diet since it is fat that I want to lose and muscle I want to gain. I am also cutting out the walnuts in my shake for a while unless I know it will be longer in between mean and I need something more to satiate me.

Lunch – Bowl of collard greens cooked in smoked turkey.  A little of the turkey meat for protein and meat sauce from spaghetti without the noodle.  *Be careful with tomato sauce, there can be a ton of sugar in it.*

Dinner – Vegan protein shake CHOCOLATE!!!  MMMMM, yum. Tablespoon of almond butter and some cacao nibs. Very chocolate-y.  Cacao nibs is considered my fat, I added organic psyllium husk for fiber. Used 1/4 cup of coconut milk or less as well which is also a fat.  This will ensure I am not hungry through the  night. Cup of berry detox tea. Paleogreens in water.

Day 35

Workout – None….Tomorrow is a completely different story. I will sweat tomorrow.  Time t get this crap out of me and get ready for a better much cleaner lifestyle.

Breakfast – skipped.  Well I had an apple but that should be called lunch.  Made spaghetti for dinner, had a bite or 3 of that while cooking.

Lunch – Spaghetti, whole grain pasta, ground sirloin, spicy Italian sausage, fresh garlic, tomatoes, green peppers, onions.

Dinner – left over Mexican.  Just a little bit left over form yesterday. 2 final alcoholic beverages. Maybe 3…the night is still young!!

Day 34

January 1st 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Workout – none.  Gonna take these next 2 days off.  Monday morning I begin to get me fitness level back up to par.  I would not be surprised if I do not work out 7 days in a week.

Breakfast – Boiled egg, walnuts, honey crisp apple with sea salt.

Lunch – skipped

Dinner – Mexican food!!!  Chicken Quesadilla, beans, chips with queso, pico de gallo.  Last Mexican meal for the next 28 days or more.  Actually I may eat Mexican but my choices will be limited to all corn based, no wheat/flour tortilla, no cheese.  I can eat fajitas with corn wraps, no rice just pico and salsa and chips (a few).  I still must watch my caloric intake while on cleanse.

Champagne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We had our celebratory drinks Saturday instead of Friday on New Years Eve. 1 Margarita at the Mex spot.

Day 33

Workout – None!!  I wanted to run today since we reached a balmy 60+ degrees but time did not allow.  Work outs start back full speed next week. I am human like you 🙂 BUT I did by body analysis and its actually not that bad but there are some calculations I am not happy about so I will begin to work on improving my over all figures by stepping up my game.  Plus its a new year and we all have new year goals!

Breakfast – whey protein shake in strawberry flavor, scoop of flax, hemp milk, water.

Lunch – 4 baked wing drums, water.

Dinner – Red Lobster!!  Had the broiled seafood with wild rice, salad with oil and vinegar, broccoli and 1.5 biscuits. Oh and 1 top shelf margarita on the rocks with salt.  I am getting all the margaritas in that I want until Monday when the cleanse begins!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  I am not going to log my spirit intake.  I am sure it will be too much to try to remember after the fact.  At least I’m honest. I am sure it will involve some tequila of some sort.

Day 32

Workout – Off day

Breakfast – Mixed Berry shake, frozen strawberries and mixed berries, 20 or so fresh blueberries, scoop of flax, 1/4 cup hemp milk.

Lunch Medium salad, romaine lettuce, carrots and cherry tomatoes. Italian dressing, bragg aminos, pepper, teaspoon crushed walnuts. 3 Baked wing drums.

Dinner – whole grain sandwich thins, organic brown egg cooked in olive oil cooking spray, piece of cheese, 1 small slice ham about 2 oz, 1 tiny piece beef sausage, both really tiny.

I did not have enough water today.  Trying to make up for it now, will have to tinkle all night. That will teach me.

Day 31

Workout – Zumba!!!  Move your hips round and round!  I also walked around Discover Mills twice, this was a mini work out too!  That place is HUGE with all kinds of bad stores I have NEVER heard of!  I was making a tiny trip to Off Saks 🙂

Breakfast – been kinda lazy the last few days just drinking whey with flax.  Did the same today.

Lunch – Bolthouse protein drink.  First time trying this (courtesy of my husband) these are pretty good!  Was enough to hold off appetite until dinner time!  Will not be against having these every now and again for lunch.

Dinner – Collard greens, a bid ole bowl!!  2 baked chicken wings with a drizzle of bbq sauce. Sliced apple sprinkled with sea salt. The big finish – I had a hand full of corn chips and popcorn.

Day 30

*To follow up to yesterday’s food log, I didn’t do too bad last night watching the Falcons game.  The worse of it was the loss tot he Saints!  Drank a half of crown and cranberry, drank 1 badly made margarita.  Ate some celery and carrots dipped in just a little ranch dressing.  See told ya, not bad at all.

Workout – Kick boxing class.  Jump rope, series of punches and kicks. Ran 10 laps, push ups and sit ups.  High energy, speed bursts.

Breakfast – Whey protein shake with a scoop of flax seeds to get in my Omega 3’s.  May as well get these whey shakes in now because next week its off to a clean diet!

Lunch – Can of Amy’s lentil soup, half of cucumber and some cherry tomatoes, little Italian dressing and braggs aminos. 1 Small honeycrip apple sliced with a little sea salt.

Dinner – All protein dinner, LOL.  Ate what was around.  Left over roasted turkey breast from Xmas, 2 baked chicken wings with drizzle of bbq sauce. A serving size of Riceworks brown rice chips.  Try these, they are great!!  They come in different flavors, ingredients on bag is awesome, gluten free!