Tag Archives: inspirational

Day 26

Workout – none

Breakfast – Boiled egg, whole grain toast with almond butter, small piece of ham, small piece of turkey.

Lunch – not much again. Ricework brown rice chips. 2 mardi gras wings.

Dinner – Chinese food, gtchicken. White rice. Bad day. Bad day. Margarita on rocks salt. Dark chocolate Peanut butter cups from trader joes. Few cups of tea, green, detox and herb.

“Finding the Funny”

A client and friend of mine recently became an author!  I am so proud of him and his hard work. Check it out, especially if you can use a little comedy in your life.  I cut an paste his emailed press release below…


I am proud to announce that my new book, Finding the Funny is out this week!  It’s a hilarious, light-hearted look at everything from the joys of being married with children, entertaining “permanent” visitors, battling squirrels at the birdfeeder, visiting the dollar store, to the lies they tell you about turning 50.  As many of you know, I’ve been an active Toastmaster and public speaker for over 15 years.  I started writing this book after I won the Humorous Speech Contest for the state of Georgia back in 2002 (Yeah, it took me eight years to finish it – but I’m a slow typist).  The award-winning speech was about an old car that I was driving at the time, “Miss Bessie the Hoopty (Chapter 4).”  After winning the contest, I started writing a monthly humor column called Laugh Lines for CrossRoadsNews.

Finding the Funny is a compilation of the longer versions of stories from the column, in addition to other humorous pieces that I have written and performed over the years.  I’m officially kicking the book off this week – you can read more about it or order a copy on my new website at www.alfredwiseman.com.  If you need a good laugh, this book is for you.  Thanks for checking it out and for all your love and support!


REPOST- ARTICLE BY LARRY BETTAG-credits and contact info below.  A must share for anyone in any industry!  This one is well worth your time.

When I was in high school, I was the perfect C student.

I’d come home my first quarter and I got 3 C’s and 3 D’s.  Second Quarter was 6 Cs.  3rd Quarter was 3 C’s and 3 D’s.  Final grade…..6 Cs.  I had a hard time adjusting to high school.  Frankly, I hated the studying.  My grades were my evidence that I hated studying.  Everytime my report card came in that year, and throughout my years of high school, I could hear my dad walking down the hallway for the “talk.”  By the 3rd time he came down, I had it memorized.  The magic phrase was life is 10% brain power and 90% Ass Power.  It’s never been more true in my life.

My 3 brother’s are MDs and my sister graduated number one out of Notre Dame’s MBA class.  I was the dumb one, but my mom and dad had two things they stress to me over the years.  Mom said that her role was to get me to heaven.  My dad said that his role was to make sure that I’m successful in life.  For him, it came down to 10% brain power and 90% Ass Power.

Long story short…

I went on and got a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and subsequently graduated law school from Northern Illinois University.  Dad was right and now I’m saying the same B.S. to my kids.

When it comes to real estate, I will tell you invariably 100% of the time, I see the same thing.  Never a variation.

10% Brain Power and 90% Ass Power.

I see people who are more intelligent than me (I know that’s hard to believe).  But then I think that they really aren’t more intelligent than me because they won’t put forth the effort to be successful.


If it’s I.Q. I’m right there, but not hanging in the Mensa Society or anything like that.  If it’s being smart enough to be successful, I think I’m post graduate in my level of thinking.

I had a great friend who made $1,000,000 of income

originating loans a few years back.  30 FHA purchase transactions a month.  At the end of the year, he said never again.  He was burnt out.  That was 5 years ago and he’s barely making it.  He’s barely at 3 deals a month.  I don’t think that it’s a sprint, but if you’re in this business you need to be in it for the long haul.  It’s a marathon, not a sprint.  It’s the ass power, the work ethic, the “get it doneness” that separates winners from losers.

I’m amazed at the talent that I see in my business, but those with the most talent often won’t work.  It’s such a welfare mentality.  “I’ll go to work today, check my e-mails and hope that the phone rings” doesn’t work in today’s market.  Players vs. Pretenders.  If you are going to work, you need to work hard.

If I were to make a bottom line statement here it’s that failure to work with a purpose, means that your livelihood in this business is in jeapardy.

My reason for writing this post is for inspiration.  You don’t have to be the smartest.  But anyone who is willing to work on purpose and who will out work the competition will be successful.  Remember,

10% Brain Power and 90% Ass Power

Larry Bettag – Regional Vice President, Midwest Region

Illinois FHA Specialist

630-417-7172-Cherry Creek Mortgage Company

Are You Facing a Setback?

Are You Facing a Setback?

 Setbacks are a part of life.  The next time you’re facing a setback, here are a few stories about people who used a setback as a set-up for a comeback.

 Lucille Ball:         She began studying to become an actress in 1927 and was told by the head instructor of the John Murry Anderson Drama School, “Try any other profession.  ANY other profession.”

 Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds:          In 1959, a Unviersal Pictures executive dismissed them at the same meeting with the following statements.  To Burt Reynolds:  “You have no talent.”  To Clint Eastwood: “You have a chip on your tooth, your Adam’s apple sticks out too far, and you talk too slow.”

 Alexander Graham Bell:               When he invented the telephone in 1876, it didn’t ring off the hook with potential backers.  After making a demonstration call, President Rutherford Hayes said, “That’s an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?”

 Chester Carlson:              In the 1940s, this young inventor took his idea to 20 corporations, including some of the biggest in the country.  They all turned him down.  In 1947, after seven long years of rejections, he finally got a tiny company in Rochester, NY the Haloid Compnay to purchase the righte to his electrostatic paper-copying process.  Haloid became Xerox Corporation, and both it and Carlson became very rich.

 Abraham Lincoln:            He entered the Blackhawk War (1831-1832) as a captian. By the end of the war, he had been demoted to the rank of private.

 J.K. Rowling:      Author of the Harry Potter series, Joanne was an aspiring writer and a single mother living on welfare with her young daughter in an unheated, mice-infested flat.  Her first book was rejected by 12 publishers before the world met Harry Potter in 1997.

 And there was this young man who submitted a paper to his Yale University management professor, and got this response: “The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a ‘C’, the idea must be feasible.”  This young man was Fred Smith; his paper proposed reliable overnight delivery service and Fred went on to found FedEx Corp.

 Failure is not falling down, but staying down!!

 Kimberly Webster

Your Real Estate Mortgage Consultant For Life

 P.S.        Have you experienced a recent setback or facing one now?  Please email me at kimberlywebster.mortgagebroker@gmail.com or call me at 404-705-9494.

Validate Yourself

We all want to make someone proud. Our parents, spouse, partner, friends, employer, etc. But at what point do you live to make others proud while slighting your own happiness and making your self proud? I think there is a fine line between the two. I have found to live for self, not in a “selfish” manner but in a “genuine” manner makes ME proud and happy, all the other people in my life fall inline.

Consider this. Dont seek validation from others, at all. Do seek validation in your heart, mind, spiritual relationship with the higher power you believe in, your overall decision making process and being a good person. For the people in your life, validation from them is not required. The happier you are with YOU and the better YOU feel about yourself, the happier others are with YOU and what you accomplish privately and professionally is a non issue.

Living solely for others is doing yourself a disservice. VALIDATE YOURSELF!


Journey with Me

RelationShips, FriendShips, InternShips, ExternShips, ScholarShips, MentorShips, MemberShips, HardShips, PartnerShisp, WorShips, ChampionShips…are all journeys we are fortunate enough to take in life. Sometimes the journey lasts a lifetime, other times its a one tank trip that leaves it all behind you. What’s most important about traveling on these SHIPS is the message of that journey. Our God, which ever one you happen to believe in, put people, situations and opportunities in our lives for a reason whether temporarily or permanent. Make sure you value each person you come in contact with and each experience you have in life, good or bad. There is always a lesson being taught. GET the lesson! RESPECT the lesson! DO NOT take the lesson for granted.
